Easy Peasy Obedience
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training tips
Blog and training tips!
Welcome to the blog section. Here you will find training protocols and general pieces on how we keep dogs. You’re welcome to participate in the discussion in the comment sections. I love to hear your thoughts.
Free Roaming – Endless Possibilities!
Thoughts on raising puppies with free-roaming and the benefits that come with it.
Mand behaviours – how to cultivate and change them
Mand behaviours are an interesting subject, because we want to teach them to our dogs, or because our dog has chosen a rather… inconvenient mand-behaviour
Socialisation the right way
Socialisation. It’s a word every dog owner knows and a lot of dog owners also fear it to some degree. But here’s help to find…
Tethering Thoughts
Today it’s time to cover a recent development that appears to win its way into pet homes – a development that has me concerned.
Building confidence with Paws up!
Do you have a worrying pooch? Many dogs worry easily, and there's plenty of ways to approach this issue. One of my absolute favourites is Paws Up! - a relatively simple exercise. In short, it's about teaching the dog to put her paws on novel objects you encounter when...
One for me, one for you!
A game to prevent counter surfing, food stealing, and scavenging. I developed this game with my dogs, based on the principles that learning must be fun and comfortable. Another force behind developing this exercise has also been that classic "leave it" exercises...
No Door Dashing!
The World outside is a great and amazing place and when you're just a dog, it can be so hard to contain your excitement when the humans opens the door to the great, wonderful outside. Good manners by the door is one of the most important things you can ever teach your...
Life without crating
Why I choose not to crate Over the past few years, I have observed, especially on social media, a growing trend of crating dogs in daily life. The most common recommendations are for puppies, and it appears that raising puppies without crates is impossible these days....
What the bark?
Reflecting on the number of barking questions asked by frustrated dog guardians, I’ve decided to share Akira’s story. When I began implementing this method, Akira was 1.5 years old, and had some reactivity issues – we’re working on those and it has improved heaps, but...
Invisible Boundaries
Ever wished your dog would just stay out of the kitchen? Maybe the nursery? Or just not dash the gate when you leave your yard without him? Invisible boundaries is what you're looking for. But before we start, I'd like to give a safety warning, because safety always...
Cue The Chase
The first rule of recalling a dog is to never call them when there are distractions around because it will lower the chance of a successful recall to almost zero. So what do we do, when our terrier dashes off to the sound of a critter in the bush? Can we even do...