Easy Peasy Obedience
Book reviews
Book Reviews!
I read a lot of books and this section is devoted to sharing my thoughts about them. My reviews are not necessarily blanket approvals and should not be read as such. However, I will not review a book if I have nothing nice to say about it. I have (some) standards.
This is the reason behind the construction of my reviews because no book should be taken to gospel and there will always be something they can’t do. And that’s okay. I will question the content. Even if it’s big, fancy names on the cover. Some books will have me super excited and have very little I find fault with. This is super nice when it happens. Other books will have me frowning deeply and have me wonder if it’s worth it, but still I will chase the gold nuggets. I will, to the extent of my abilities, read the books with the glasses of average people, if I see them recommended for the average dog owner. It’s not unusual I disagree with these recommendations to some degree post reading. I invite people to discuss my observations on the books, if they have read the material. And I thank you all for reading and showing interest in my reviews. It means a lot to me and it is a great inspiration to keep going thank you!
“How to raise a puppy “ by S. Rousseau and T. Rugaas
“It is our view that in order to grow into a great dog, your puppy does not need lots of training, he just needs love, understanding, some good habits and the chance to be a dog!” – Stephanie Rousseau and Turid Rugaas
“Barking – The sound of a Language” by Turid Rugaas
“We must learn to listen to what the dog is telling us.” – Turid Rugaas
“The Perfect Puppy” by Gwen Bailey
“He’ll be a friend to come home to, everyone who knows him love and adore him, and you will be proud that he is yours.” – Gwen Bailey
“Behavior Adjustment Training 2.0” by Grisha stewart
“He knows how to cope with the world as it is, because his handler gave him time to check things out.” – Grisha Stewart
“How To Tame A Fox” by L. Dugatkin and L. Trut
“Easy never has mattered. Possible is what matters.” – Lyudmila Trut
“Remember Me” by Eileen Anderson
“Lots of people are completely unaware of dog dementia until their dog starts behaving oddly. I was.” – Eileen Anderson
“Wag” by Zazie Todd
“We should not just think about preventing harm, but also about providing good experiences” – Zazie Todd
“Rocket Recall” by Simone Mueller
“Succesful training is teamwork!” – Simone Mueller
“Dog Professional’s Survival Guide” by Sally Gutteridge
“Every book that I write is needed somewhere in the dog world, but none more than this one.” – Sally Gutteridge
“Decoding Dogs: Inside the Canine Mind” by Ellen Furlong
“Confused yet? So are the researchers so you’re in good company.” – Ellen Furlong
“Meet Your Dog” by Kim Brophy
“Having a realistic understanding of what your dog needs will allow you to adjust your expectations about your dog.” – Kim Brophy
“The Science of Consequences” by Susan M. Schneider
“…consequences are everywhere. Somme are immediate; others loom in the horizon to be anticipated or evaded. They’re good, they’re awful, they’re everything in between. They work for tigers and for turtles – and for us.” – Susan M. Schneider
“Unleashing Your Dog” by Marc Bekoff and Jessica Pierce
“The antidote to captivity is freedom. Clearly, there is a basic tension between captivity and freedom, and dogs exist within this zone of uncertainty.” – Marc Bekoff and Jessica Pierce
All I Know About Management I Learned from My Dog by Martin P. Levin
“What about lying quietly while your owner is in the midst of an important business call? This is, as every dog owner quickly learns, where dog biscuits enter the picture.” – Martin P. Levin
“The Power of Positive Dog Training, 2nd edition” by Pat Miller
“The two of you can look forward to a life of joy and companionship together.” – Pat Miller
“Animals Make Us Human” by Temple Grandin & Catherine Johnson
“A good life requires three things: health, freedom from pain and negative emotions, and lots of activities to turn on SEEKING and PLAY.” – Temple Grandin
“My Dog Pulls. What do I do?” by Turid Rugaas
“Do not be so concerned about teaching your dog so much obedience. Instead, think about and develop your relationship with your dog – the rest will follow by itself.” – Turid Rugaas
“Cooperative Care: Seven Steps to Stress-Free Husbandry” by Deborah A. Jones, Ph.D.
“Remember, every time you push too far and too fast, you are undoing your previous work. Be the tortoise!” – Deborah A. Jones
“Sniff Play Bark” by Rebeca Mas
“We owe it to our dogs to really learn and understand their history, their instincts and innate needs, and their body language, so that we can communicate effectively with them, and make sure they are as happy as possible…” – Rebeca Mas
Zak George’s Training Books
“That’s why when it comes to teaching dogs, always resist shortcuts and favour the more thorough approach instead.” – Zak George
“On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals” by Turid Rugaas
“If you want your dog to respect you, you must also respect your dog.” – Turid Rugaas
“Fearful Dog Rehabilitation – Life With A Puppy Farm Rescue” by Sally Gutteridge
“You can tell the worrying thing to back off or simply turn tail and get her out of there; whip your delicate dog away, like a true hero ninja warrior.” – Sally Gutteridge
“Canine Confidential” by Marc Bekoff
“Ethology makes clear that dogs display dominance, but that doesn’t mean that dominance has any place in dog training or teaching.” – Marc Bekoff
“Clicker Training for Dogs” by Karen Pryor
“On the other hand, if you train a dog the way we train dolphins – through positive reinforcement – the dog behaves just like a dolphin: he becomes eager, attentive, precise, co-operative, and capable of a fantastic performance.” – Karen Pryor
“Dogs Hate Crates” by Emma and Ray Lincoln
”Our goal is to provide alternatives and answers to help modern families live happier, healthier lives with their pets with no need for crates” – Emma and Ray Lincoln
“Dragons, Unicorns, Chimeras, & Clickers” by Laura Vanarendonk Baugh
“It’s important to the keepers to keep the animals healthy and happy.” – Bill, keeper at the magical Zoo
“There’s a Game For That!” by Tom Mitchell & Lauren Langman
“We are here to tell you that there is no better expert on your dog than you!” – Tom Mitchell and Lauren Langman
“Do As I Do – Using Social Learning to Train Dogs” by Claudia Fugazza
“…this technique allows dogs to reach a deeper level of consciousness about themselves, their human companions and their own skills.” – Claudia Fugazza
“Canine Communication – The Language of a Species” by Sally Gutteridge
“A growl in many instances is considered a sinful act when really it’s beautiful, perfect communication.” – Sally Gutteridge
“Doggie Language” by Lili Chin
“I’m SO happy I have to pick up my toy!” – Probably your dog
“Teach my dog to do that” by Jo-Rosie Haffendan and Nando Brown
“Put away your phone and interact!” – Nando Brown, School of Canine Science
“I’ll Be Home Soon” By Patricia B. McConnell
“There’s no question that dogs can have strong emotions, and some dogs behave as though they are in a state of terror when their owners leave.” – Patricia B. McConnell
“Good Dog Behaviour by Choice with Positive Canine Coaching” by Sally Gutteridge
It’s much better to teach an alternative choice than just ask a dog to stop making an unhelpful one and leaving a gap in its place.Why did I read this book? In all honesty, because I like Sally's writing. But, with that confession out of the way, I also read this book...
“The Naughty but Nice Revolution” by Tom Mitchell and Lauren Langman
...you are absolutely the right owner for your dogWhy did I read this book? Because I have the dog on the cover of this book. As well as do a lot of you guys out there. The book is dedicated to the night walkers and those who keep trying to make life better for their...
Inspiring Resilience in Fearful and Reactive Dogs by Sally Gutteridge
Personality is as unique for your dog as it is for you, me and every dog you will ever work with or meet.Why did I read this book? I have a reactive dog. Like several other thousands of dog owners worldwide. Also, like these other dog owners, I wish my dog would be...
“Pathways to Friendship … a Declaration of Love to Dogs That Hunt” by Ulli Reichmann
"Dogs have a lot to say - we just need to listen to them!" A while ago I received this book in the mail from Nora Hartmann for review. While I had read a little about it prior and was truly excited about getting to read it, I'm not sure anything could have prepared me...
How to be a Concept Trainer by Tom Mitchell
Question all you ever learnt about preventing or managing undesirable behaviours and embrace the world of concept training - a positive solution to age-old training problems. Best of all, it is fun, both for you and your dog!What does this book do? That's very...
“Hunting Together!” by Simone Mueller
"Make no mistake about it: predation is pure happiness for dogs.” Why did I get this book? Because I have a terrier. And my terrier is a hunter. She lives for the chase and because I have had lots of success with bird recalls after reading Ulli Reichman’s book, I...