“Sniff Play Bark” by Rebeca Mas

Wag Audio book cover

Written by: Laura

Laura is founder of Easy Peasy Obedience, and works in positive methods based on teamwork and games, and with focus on minimising frustration in the training - for both dog and human.

Published: December 9, 2021

“We owe it to our dogs to really learn and understand their history, their instincts and innate needs, and their body language, so that we can communicate effectively with them, and make sure they are as happy as possible…” 

Rebeca Mas

Why did I get this book?

I was sent a copy to review, and I accepted as the concept sounded interesting.

What does this book do?

This book takes you on a little trip through dogs. In 166 pages, it touches down on pretty much everything you need to build a strong relationship with your canine companion and it solidifies that we need to “let dogs be dogs,” as Rebeca so wonderfully put it at the end of the first chapter. This mindset is visible throughout the book, as natural behaviours are explained well to the reader. This includes natural behaviours that we humans normally perceive as problem behaviours, such as growling, jumping, nipping, and chasing, but this book will explain to you the function of the behaviour, and best of all, how you can avoid them turning into problem behaviours.

This book will lead you through the entire life and origin of your dog, and it even has a section dedicated to caring for senior dogs, including end of life care. It is the first time I have come across this in a book that is not specifically dedicated to caring for senior dogs, but I am absolutely delighted that Rebeca decided to include it. I will even admit I shed a tear reading it. It’s been two years since I said goodbye to my senior, but the feelings are still there and anyone with senior dogs will recognise them. Despite tears, this section managed to cuddle me a bit and convince me that it’s still okay, and I am thankful for getting to recommend a book that does that.

Other highlights of this book, in a much more cheerful department, are the socialisation checklist which includes room for 2nd and 3rd exposure and with that allowing the dog guardians to log progress and at the end of the book, you will also find a comprehensive list of enrichment activities, that includes low arousal activities, high arousal, attention-demanding activities and everything in between.

What does this book not do?

As mentioned before, there is a certain limit to how much you can do on 166 pages while still trying to cover all that is dog. This means that this book is a general overview and it doesn’t have the room to get into the nitty-gritty details. But this is totally okay, as a general overview is what most dog guardians really need, and by the end of this book, anyone will have the knowledge to seek out further information on subjects that are only covered briefly in this book. Perhaps, the only thing I truly miss in this book would be a list of references for further information, even though this book does a very good job of enabling people to look for themselves.

Where can I get this book?

Amazon is your friend. It is available for Kindle or as a paperback and if you prefer prints as I do, it will set you back approximately $15 + shipping. I got my review copy digitally, but nonetheless, you guys will get puppy pictures with books for this review also.

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